Saturday, November 20, 2010

My insurance policy . . .

This is what is has been all about. This day. November 21st. Well, it is actually Nov. 20th, but tomorrow is what it is all about. I have done all the training, eaten all the right foods & not gone to the after-work happy hours.

So, time to put a smile on my face & put my head down and get this race done. Become the Ironman that I have been training so long to become!!!!

Well, I've got my jammies on, my bike is in transition, run & bike gear bags are where they belong. Now all I have to do is sleep - ha ha ha.

This photo is "my insurance policy" - my training calendar for the past year. It is what I have to keep in my mind tomorrow. I've got this. I can do it. (That's what Chrissie told me!!!)

Much Peace & Love,